Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday--March 31

It's hard to believe that it's taken me four days to recover from DAR State Conference (maybe because I can sleep in or take a nap in the afternoon if that's what I need to get through and be a happy wife when J gets home...), but I'm finally getting caught up!

I noticed yesterday that I hit 200 posts with my Harry Connick, Jr. post, and it's so hard to believe!  (Remember, we just hit 100 back in October!)  So this week, I'm thankful for you--the folks who drop by to see what I've said this week.  You've no idea how much I love the Blogger "Stats" tab--it tells me how many visits we've had, which countries y'all live in, even what Google searches send folks here (Hedco Lamps are apparently very popular!)--and I know that the desire to see something pop up in the stats drives me to post when I might not be feeling it.  Thanks for being those bits of data for me!!

I'm thankful this week, too, for the DAR ladies who have served as my mentors, my cheerleaders, and my surrogate mothers and grandmothers.  One particularly dear friend flew in for our State Conference to not only assist our Pages (younger members who run errands and keep the behind the scenes part of the conference running smoothly), but to assist me.  I cannot begin to thank her sufficiently, but hope that she knows at least a bit of how much she means to me!

And finally, I'm so thankful for J, who kept everything at home running smoothly while I was wrapped up in DAR (and DAR recovery).  From blogging for me to cleaning the kitchen for me, he did it all this weekend.  I'm a lucky girl, and very aware of that.

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