Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday smells like... Fondant

Super quick post today, partly because I don't have a lot to pick from in the realm of food this week and partly because I'm just really excited to share this picture:

Yes, that's a cake--my 31st birthday cake, to be exact.  J invited several of our friends over for dinner and I used to the opportunity to try my hand at a topsy-turvy cake.  I learned a lot this time and am sure my next effort will be better. On Friday, we split what was left (most of it, in fact) between the two of us and sent the layers off to our respective jobs.  J promises that it was well received at his.

Let me know if you'd like to be the beneficiary of a future cake effort!  I'm always up for the practice!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

it was adorable and yummy! and we'll always take more cakes ;)