Monday, April 25, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I know that many of our readers are in Kentucky, and that I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but for the rest of you--it rained all week. Again.  And this week is poised to be more of the same.  At just over three-fourths of the way through the month, we've had more than ten inches of rain.  Shockingly, since our bout of four inches in twenty-four hours a week and a half ago, we haven't had any more water in the basement, and the dehumidifier seems to be keeping pace.  Cross your fingers that it continues to hold up!

This week I plan to finish off the bathroom and put our guest room back together.  We are so very close to having the big things finished (grout base tile, seal it all one more time, fix and hang the door), and just a few small things to address (touch up paint and hang shelves), that I'm sure I can wrap it up.  Stay tuned!

I'd really like to get a start on the built-ins in the library (the last of the three rooms on my to do list for this spring), but J would prefer I not sand in the same room as his computer and I'd prefer not to stain in my flood-prone laundry room during this never-ending weather cycle.  We'll see how that ends up.

Have a great week, friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just have two comments to this: first, you know it's been beautiful here in GB: warm and sunny. Beautiful breezes. neener neener neener..., can you check with Dave S and make sure that my basement in Lex is not a swimming pool??? ;)