Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday--June 30

Hi Friends!  (Family?  Random strangers?)

I meant to pre-write this post, then I meant to write it this morning, then later this morning, and well, time is short this week, so it's just now going up.  I hope you'll understand!

While time is short this week, opportunities for thankfulness are numerous.  DAR week is always about time well-spent with friends (some of whom almost always turn out to be family if you dig deep enough!).  Many of my closer Paging friends aged out this year and did not make the trip.  Though I miss the time spent with these "old" friends, I've been afforded the opportunity to spend time with others who I hadn't gotten to know as well, and even to make new friends.  What a blessing that is!  (Stop me before I launch into the Girl Scout song "Make New Friends"...)

I'm thankful, too, for the Opening Night program last night.  In twelve years of coming to Continental Congress (at least half of which I've actually paid close attention during), I've not been so moved by an evening's program.  We had six speakers, who each offered their own experience on, or as a result of, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on our country.  We heard from the past director of the White House Situation Room who was with President Bush on the day of the attacks,  a General with the NY National Guard, a Pentagon fire-fighter, two men whose brothers were killed in the attacks--one in the Pentagon and one on Flight 93, and the Director of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, which will open at Ground Zero.  While it is not uncommon to find yourself in a "where were you on 9/11?" conversation, I'd never been afforded the opportunity to hear so many different, but equally involved, perspectives.  It was simply amazing.

Finally this week, I'm thankful for my family.  For J, who is holding down the fort at home.  For my mom, for doing the necessary research for me to belong to this organization (and for putting up with me as her roommate!), and for my ancestors who gave so much of themselves to start this awe-inspiring experiment we call the United States!

What are you thankful for this week?

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