Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday Smells like...a Bacon-Veggie Frittata

I was in the mood for scrambled eggs this morning (Actually, I was in the mood for pancakes and link sausage, but since the whole low-carb thing that's not an option for J, I feel guilty asking him to cook me food he can't eat.), and as often happens when I toss out a suggestion for a meal, J took my idea and created the more gourmet version of my request. 

Bacon-Veggie Frittata

What you'll need:
Eggs (we used four for ours)
Bacon (J sliced some before cooking to include in the frittata and also fried and crumbled some to put on top)
Veggies (Basically, we just used a bunch of stuff in danger of getting too old in the fridge--spinach, green peppers, onions)
Garlic, S&P

What you'll do:
Start frying the bacon in an oven-safe skillet, then toss in onions and peppers to cook down a bit in the bacon grease.  When that is almost done, add chopped spinach to wilt a bit.  Pour in the egg and keep it on the burner long enough to set up a bit.
Then, transfer the skillet to your oven, placing the whole thing under the broiler to cook the top, too.

The finished product:
To serve, J crumbled some bacon on the top, then slid the frittata out of the pan and folded it in half, and then he sliced it (so that we each had a piece that looked like one-quarter of the total size.  Which J says he did so it would fit on our plates.  So maybe not that necessary for you...).  He topped each piece with some of the fresh salsa he made this week using our tomatoes.  Delicious!

1 comment:

Becky said...

that looks super yummy!