Friday, May 18, 2012

Fitness Friday--May 18

J and I are definitely on two sides of the physical fitness coin this week!  I earned my much coveted 25lb charm at Weight Watchers on Monday (so I'm down 25.6 pounds in 20 weeks), and actually walked 6 miles (split between two three-mile walks) that day, too.  I think I'm getting ready to register for a 5K and start to add a little jogging to my schedule.

J, on the other hand, completely overdid it when he took up running a couple weeks ago.  After weeks of taking it easy, his knee kept feeling worse, so he finally went to the doctor to get it checked out.  Two doctors visits later (including a sports medicine doc at UK), he's learned that he has some kind of bursitis.  While painful, it isn't serious enough an injury to warrant surgery or casting, and we're grateful for that!  J is looking at 4-6 weeks of ice and care before he can ease back into exercise.

How's your physical fitness?

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