Monday, August 1, 2011

One light, two light...

I mentioned last week that we had finally found a light fixture for the bathroom and just needed to install it.  Well, last Monday afternoon an electrician came to our aid (the same one we called in last fall when removing the old light fixture led to a tripped circuit breaker and yet another infamous "huh; I've not seen it done that way" comments), and he quickly installed the fixture.  First, here is a reminder of what the space previously looked like (I don't appear to have taken a picture of the old fixture):

Here it is immediately after installation:

Now, you'll notice that the light bulbs extend below the shades.  I put in some CFL's that we had on hand in hopes that they would work.  When they didn't, I ran to Lowe's.  Coincidentally, earlier in the day I'd read about new half-size CFL's, and I realized those were just what I needed.  (They were, in fact, and of the  'instant on' variety, too!)  While I was at Lowe's, I was distracted by a display of porch lamps (totally caught by the old retail end cap trick!) and decided to wander down the porch light aisle.  Wouldn't you know, I found a nice (black!) option for a great price?  (Interestingly, most were packed in double-packs and discounted even more than the single packs...shame we only have one light on the front porch!)

As is often the case, the 'quick' swap I expected turned into a much longer process, but I still managed to swap the old fixture out for the new one while J grilled our supper.  As a reminder, here is the hideous brass fixture we had before:

And here is the new fixture:

Now, we only have to deal with the shutters to complete the switch to black accessories on the front of the house!

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