Sunday, May 29, 2011

This, That and the Other

Part of the beauty of Free-Style Sunday is the option to write about whatever I want to write about.  Often, that is a great thing, but today I kept stumbling across new topic ideas before the last one had been fully developed.  Now, it's nearly 11:00 and I haven't managed to put together one solid blog post.  Instead, I've decided to toss out all of the under-developed ideas and thoughts.  Don't expect a common thread--it's been one of those days! :)

This morning, our priest's sermon addressed security blankets and items we use to bring comfort.  I don't think I ever had a security blanket (a la Linus' blanket) per se, but I did have Bawlmer, a teddy bear I received for Christmas when I was five or so.  I didn't go anywhere for long periods of time without Bawlmer (the hospital when I had surgery in eighth grade, the camp where I was a counselor, college, etc.), but I don't remember taking him with me everywhere.  Something I found interesting was a study Fr. Johnnie mentioned--one that found that children with security items were more confident, more likely to speak their minds than those who didn't have a security item.  Today, Bawlmer still has a place of honor in our guest room (I finally moved him off my bed when I got married).  Did you have a security blanket (or other item)?  What was it?  Do you have it still?

In another flashback to childhood, the tendonitis in my wrist and hand that started in eighth grade reared it's painfully ugly head again today.  For the back story, one afternoon in eighth grade, my friends and I were practicing hurdles at track practice.  I am not sure why I was, as I was never terribly good at them, but my brothers were hurdlers and I guess I thought I should be, too.  Well, apparently I shouldn't have been.  My girlfriends from college can confirm I am not the most graceful person and I managed to trip over one of the hurdles.  I caught most of my weight with my right hand, and sprained it pretty badly.  Periodically since then, if I overuse that hand (like painting a room by myself) it will flair up a bit and be particularly bothersome for a couple of days.  Recently, the pain has been more frequent (though still no more often than a few times a year), but this time I don't even know what set it off.  I do know that the firm handshakes during the passing of the Peace this morning did nothing to help! :)

Finally, I'm almost embarassed to admit this, but I recently rediscovered the awesomeness that is our public library system!  I used the local branch of our library often in grad school, but I guess I had not visited in several years.  One day last week I decided to drop by the branch closest to our house.  There are a couple of books out that I'd like to read but would prefer not to buy, and I've not really warmed to the electronic book craze.  First, I needed a lesson in the card catalog system (entirely on-line, not a wooden case in sight).  Then once I'd mastered that system and gone in search of my books, I had to go to a different computer to register for a library card.  At a third computer I checked my books out and was on my way.  What a difference from the old way!  The best part of the system is that I can go online and reserve books.  When they become available, the library will send me an email, and I can grab them from the hold shelf just inside the doors at my convenience. This may not be news to most of you, but I am thrilled with my "new" discovery.  This morning, I finished the second of the books I checked out and went online to reserve several more!

Have a great week!

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