Friday, June 1, 2012

Fitness Friday--June 1

Short post today, since I'm actually writing it Thursday night and I am beat!  K and J both chipped in on the craft project (while watching the first night of Hatfields and McCoys--thank goodness for DVR) and we finished it in great time.  J even made an awesome steak salad for us to enjoy on a break.  I'm grateful to be done, but aware that I still have progress to make in the way of craft projects before the weekend is up.

Best news of today's Fitness Friday post is that I am officially under 200 lbs!  As I said last Friday, I have reached this mark three times now in the last five years (though I think it's worth pointing out that I didn't yo-yo as far above it this most recent time than the time before...).  My next WW goal is 15%, and I'm seven pounds away from that (which, at the rate I've been losing lately, might happen sometime before fall), but my next 'big' goal is to get under 190 lbs.  I haven't been there since some time in 2005.

Some have asked about J's knee, and it is healing nicely.  He still needs to ice it regularly, particularly when he's been standing or walking a lot.  I'm eager for it to heal completely so he can take walks with me again!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'll walk with you!