Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday--January 31

So I was doing so well at the start of the month getting back in the blogging groove, and now it's been...what?  Two weeks since a post?  Not for lack of thinking of ideas to blog about, but I've definitely been a bit tired this month.  Anyhow, this morning seemed like a good time to be thankful for a few things--

First, I'm so thankful for J's job and for my appreciation of it.  Early in our relationship I hated when he would be on a weeks long bent of working every day.  These days, though, when so many folks are unemployed or underemployed, I'm thankful that there is enough work in the firm to keep J at work late into the night.  Now, will I feel the same way in a couple of months when I've been hanging out with a baby all day and would really like to pass her off to someone else?  Maybe not.  And knowing that makes me even more thankful of the 'right now' blessing of it all!

I'm thankful, too, for this pregnancy.  We're officially 35 weeks in, a fact that is a bit hard for me to grasp.  Sometime in the next month or so, our lives will change in ways we can't even begin to imagine.  I told myself at the beginning that I wouldn't ever be one of those complaining pregnant women, and I've been blessed with a pretty easy pregnancy that has left it easy to stick to that promise.  That said, it's getting harder to not complain, so I'm doubling my efforts to just be thankful for this amazing process again.

Finally, I'm thankful for the emails I've been getting from my folks for the last week.  They have been on a trip to the Holy Land, and I've loved reading the snippets of their experience!  I really look forward to hearing the full story when they get home, but in the meantime, I am thankful that they have the opportunity to take cool trips like this together and to share the experience with us!

What are you thankful for this week?

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