We had a similar experience a little over a week ago with the slippery weather, too. J and I headed out last Saturday morning (he for a haircut, me to the gym) in clear, cool weather. By the time we had finished our respective errands and had breakfast, we were in the midst of wuite a little snow storm that took us, and the city road department, quite by surprise! It took an hour to get home from the east side of town (usually a 25 minute drive), and we dodged folks sliding all over the place. We learned the next day that more than 200 wrecks had been reported that Saturday, and, thanks to the observance of one driver at the four-way stop we slid through, were thankful we weren't one of them.
I'll start with the mantel. I've seen many of these ornament trees in the stores this year, and as the intrepid crafter I seem to be, felt confident I could make one myself. It isn't great, but for a first try, I'm pretty pleased that I covered most of the foam base and even snuck in a pattern of matte vs. shiny balls. If anyone wants one, I'm happy to oblige for $25, and I'm fairly certain a second attempt would look even better!
Also handmade on the mantel (or rather, hanging from the mantel) are two stockings. The one on the right was made by my mom for me many years ago. When J and I married, she packed it up with my ornaments and sent it to live with me. J didn't bring his own stocking to our marriage, so I offered to make one. He requested 'blue' and 'classy' so I set off to the fabric store in search of navy (UK blue does not qualify as 'classy' in my mind.) velvet. I made a pattern using my stocking as a model and cut out the fabric. Then I set it aside for a couple of weeks, waiting for the right time to tackle actually sewing it together. Last week, in the midst of a sick day, I decided to whip the stocking up (as well as the second stocking I bought fabric for--we can't have clashing stockings on the mantel now, can we?). Two days, phone calls to my mother and both of my grandmothers (apologies to Mur for implying she should understand the problem since my machine is from her 'era'), re-threading the entire machine, replacing a broken needle, reading through the instruction manual three times... Well, you get the picture. I ended up with one, mis-shapen stocking. My darling husband has assured me this is okay as "it will hold candy!" When the bobbin ran out, I called it quits, and hung my mis-matched stockings on the mantel. I'll try to sew the other stocking when I have thoroughly forgotten this experience.
Title: Little Bit of this, Little Bit of that, by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
1 comment:
Well, it is about time! I was starting to wonder if you guys were alive. I have to say that your ornament tree is much prettier than mine. I didn't think to use a foam base. I just started hot glueing and found out that you have to be very careful since hot glue gets hot enough to break glass. Who knew? Glad to hear that you guys are surviving the season and the weather. See ya soon!
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