Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thankful Thursday--June 16

This week, I'm thankful for friends, specifically J's friends from childhood, with whom he takes an annual golf trip.  Now, I'm not particularly looking forward to an empty house this weekend (obviously Zep is with me, but he's not much for chit chat), but I am so glad that J can have a long weekend with guys who set aside their own lives to help make my husband's a little better.

I'm thankful, too, for the older gentleman at our church who put insanely low asking prices on some of his household items as he prepares to move across the country to be closer to his family.  J and I are the new owners of some lovely barrister bookcases, as well as a complete set of the Great Books of the Western World (first edition, since the second edition came out in 1990 and contained 60 volumes--ours only has the original 54).

Finally, I'm thankful for Netflix.  J and I have had Netflix for several years now, and I've always taken advantage of the more traditional way of using it (receive a DVD, watch it, send it back, receive another).  In the last couple of weeks, though, I've started using the Instant Watch option to discover TV shows that I've otherwise missed.  Doc Martin, which is currently running on KET, is a particular new favorite that we both enjoy, but I'm also using J's absence this weekend to introduce myself to Glee.  It may have taken a while (years, I know), but I'm totally hooked!  In the past, I'd have had to pay huge amounts of money to purchase or even rent a season of either show.  Now, considering that our monthly subscription to Netflix is basically a sunk cost, it's kind of like watching them for free.  Pretty awesome.

What are you thankful for this week?

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